The landscape of resources in and around Douglas County is changing as nonprofits and governments scale back their services to help slow the spread of COVID-19. That’s why we decided to put together a list of community services to help get the people of Douglas County connected to the resources they need.
– Local Small Business Grant Program, apply here. Applications open from September 8th thru October 6th.
– Douglas County Launches Grant Program to Help Local Small Businesses impacted by COVID-19 press release, click here.
– Business Resource Guide
– SBA Disaster Assistance for businesses and non-profits
For more information and resources, visit the Douglas County Economic Development/Vitality webpage.
Carson City Health and Human Services
For health information and updates, visit Carson City Health and Human Services, the managing local health authority for Douglas County, developed a public hotline 775-283-4789, devoted to keeping the community up-to-date and informed on COVID-19. The line will be staffed Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm to answer questions and concerns.
– Daily COVID-19 Case Update, click here.
– Free Drive-Thru Community Based Testing information, click here.
– View the COVID-19 Dashboard, click here.
– Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce | COVID-19 business resources and recovery or list of restaurants available for take out/delivery
– Tahoe Chamber | COVID-19 Business Resource Hub or list of restaurants available for local take out/delivery
– Guidance on the latest directives from the Governor’s Office are available at
Douglas County School District
– Douglas County School District Website, click here.
– Tahoe Prosperity Center
– Unemployment | To file an unemployment claim, visit Nevada’s Unemployment Insurance and file for “social distancing”. Due to the high call volume, applicants are being asked to complete the unemployment process online.
– Welfare | To apply for welfare services through the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Welfare and Supportive Services which provides food assistance (SNAP and WIC) cash assistance (TANF), medical and child care assistance through Access Nevada. Automated voice instructions are provided in both English and Spanish. Contact information: Northern Nevada Offices 775-684-7200.
– Available Restaurants for Take Out/Delivery in Carson Valley
– Available Restaurants for Take Out/Delivery in Lake Tahoe
– Backpack Buddies | Food bags of non-perishable food for seven meals to families with school children are available at 1251 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville.
– Carson Valley Community Food Closet | They are open for regular service, but will be asking customers to remain in their cars while volunteers gather food. You don’t have to be a current recipient to get food.
– FISH Ranchos Family Services | A food pantry with other supplies is available to anyone in need at 921 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville.
– Meals on Wheels | This service is continuing, but with modified safety practices in place. Extended enrollment in that program is being encouraged for all those that normally attend congregate dining or are otherwise concerned about having access to prepared food. Seniors wishing to receive this service are asked to contact the Senior Center at (775) 782-5500 ext. 1 to arrange drive up food pick up at the center or home delivery. Drive up food delivery will be available at the Douglas County Senior Center, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, Monday-Friday between 11am and 1pm.
– Partnership Douglas County | They provide a full list of stores on their website that are offering special hours to seniors and/or vulnerable populations.
-**Update 12/14/2020 – Governor’s Office extends eviction moratorium through March 2021.
– Eviction Press Release from the Governor’s Office
– Guidance for Landlords
– Home Owners that can’t make their full monthly payments should contact their mortgage servicer online, in writing or over the phone. When requesting forbearance, keep in mind that you may receive a quicker response online or by mail, and that you don’t need to prove that you lost your income to qualify. You can consider home refinancing or pursue a loan modification that changes the terms of your home loan. Lenders should not require a lump sum payment at the end of the forbearance period: borrowers with loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not required to pay all the missed payments at the end of the forbearance period. If the hardship has been resolved, the servicer should work with the borrower to set up a repayment plan, modify the loan so the borrower’s payments are added to the end of the mortgage, or set up a modification that reduces the borrower’s monthly mortgage payment.
– Renters concerned about being able to pay rent can work with their landlord or management company to see what options are available. Many landlords are working with tenants on rent payment flexibility during the shutdown. To qualify for rental assistance, you may need a letter of nonpayment from your landlord. For assistance in paying your rent, contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at or If you need legal assistance with eviction issues, legal aid providers are available on a sliding scale so that you pay what you can afford.
– Nevada Rural Housing Authority (NRHA) has announced its COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program, which provides one-time funding to rural Nevada residents experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provides financial assistance to qualifying individuals who are falling behind on their rent, mortgage or utilities. The Program also gives financial aid to individuals having trouble paying for groceries and household supplies that are necessary to maintain safety and well-being.
– The Salvation Army can help with rent or mortgage and utility bills due to COVID-19 on a first come, first served basis. Call (775) 887-9120 Ext. 1 to apply.
NV Health Response
– To inform Nevadans statewide, the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) and the Governor’s Office created the website to better share information and resources as it pertains to the current status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact within the state of Nevada. In an effort to reach as many people as possible, the Twitter account @NVHealthRespon1 was created to serve Nevadans and keep all the latest information in one central location.